Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Come On Baby Light My FIre

Day three of our Fat Burning Workout

Is not about your workout at all

Today we are going to talk about your nutrition.

Here is my first word of advice:


I know that when we are trying to lose weight

Our first instinct is to DIET....

But I am strongly opposed to that word diet,

Look, the first three letters are D-I-E,

How can that be a good thing?

Instead I encourage my clients to eat,

And eat often,

You will never be hungry,

In fact, you may find it challenging to get all of the meals a day,

Five to six small meals eaten throughout the day

Is the best way to boost your metabolism

And burn more fat.

Think of this:

Your metabolism is like a furnace burning coal

If you throw a lot of coal in the fire it will burn very hot,

and burn fast, but if you do not put more coal on the fire

It will burn out,

Now, if you keep putting coal on the fire in small amounts

every couple of hours,

What is the result?

The fire burns steady, and constantly,

Never shutting off,

Your metabolism is similar, (this example is over simplified)

But it makes sense,

Another bonus of eating small meals frequently is

You will not have those energy crashes during the day,

Because of your constant fuel source,

Hence burning even more calories.

So EAT!!!!

I myself had practiced disordered eating for years until


And that doing it often would make all the difference in the world.

You are worth feeding healthy food,

You should never feel the pains of being hungry,

Eat fresh fruits and vegetables,

Lean proteins

And low glycemic carbohydrates throughout the day

And believe you deserve to feel amazing.

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