Thursday, September 27, 2007


Well, no I'm not stressed out, but someone very close to me is.

How is your day going? Are you stressed? Tired? Totally done?

Take a minute, sit still, and breathe. Seriously. Taking a minute to yourself and gathering your focus on something as simple as your breath is a huge help to calm your nerves and de-stress.

Now, focus on something you can do to further your recovery: can you take a walk? Can you call a good friend? Maybe you can go take a kick boxing class....preferably the one you actually put gloves on for!

It has been proven that exercise is an amazing antidote to temporarily reduce the effects of stress. Regular exercise can help reduce the health related consequences of stress.

So if you are at work and you feel as if you are going to "lose it", walk up and down the stairs or go outside for a brisk walk. You may feel better equiped to deal with the situation upon your return.

Have a healthy day!

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