Friday, July 13, 2007

Baby Steps

I often tell my new clients:

"The only difference between you and I

Is that I have been practicing longer than you."

Really, it is the only difference.

I was working out in a new gym this week performing my

BOSU routine, which can best be described as

"Cirque gravity defying" training, when I was approached

By another personal trainer.

She complimented me on my routine and remarked that she might kill

Herself if she attempted my workout.

My response to her was this.....

It only takes Baby Steps to learn this routine.

She quickly understood that comment, as I am certain she has used

Similar philosophies while training her own clients.

Even those of us in the fitness profession marvel at the skills and techniques

Of other fitness professionals,

So why would you consider yourself any different

If you really want what we have, start practicing little

Baby Steps everyday to get you there,

And eventually, you will!!!

Think of this: What are you really good at?

Can you play a musical instrument,

Cook a gourmet meal,

Maybe paint or draw?

Did this skill show up in an instant,

or did you take time and effort to practice and perfect your skills?

It is the same concept when setting a workout or weight loss goal.

You focus upon what you want to achieve,

And keep taking steps to arrive at your destination.

Believe me, there was a day when I was not in shape

Or inspired to workout.

In college, I played sports and my dorm mates would

VOLUNTARILY go to the gym!

I was puzzled by their motivation.....ME!!!!!

I had no idea that what I admired in them would

Blossom into my mission in life.

It took me Baby Steps in aerobics classes,

Baby Steps lifting weights,

Baby Steps trying new workouts,


Whatever you want, as long as you put one foot in front of the other

And continue to travel in that direction,

You will attain your goal!

It just takes the first step,

And never stop....Baby Step by Baby Step.

If you get stuck or distracted, you are off course,

Just get back on track

And keep steppin!

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