Monday, July 9, 2007

Burn Baby, Burn

The weather is stifling outside...the three "H"s, hazy, hot, and humid

So on days like today make sure you exercise indoors,

In a climate controlled atmosphere.

Also, increase your intake of water and

Limit your intake of caffeine.

All that being said, let's talk about your internal burn,

Burning body fat!

One of the best ways to burn body fat is though interval training,

Or short burst of intense exercise that last from 30-60 seconds.

I have seen intervals lasting 2 minutes and longer,

But through my personal experience, I have found

The shorter intervals to be not only extremely effective,

But highly tolerated by all participants of various fitness levels.

So what is an interval?

An interval is a high intensity exercise performed for a specific amount of time,

Followed by a period of recovery,

But the actual interval itself can be any weight bearing movement you want.

Intervals vary according to your level of fitness,

An all out sprint may be appropriate for a conditioned adult,

But if you are a beginner, a fast paced walk on an incline may be appropriate for you.

Some of my favorite intervals are sprinting, front hops, lateral hops, jumping jacks,

jumping rope, climbing stairs, split lunges and squat thrusts.

Notice, these intervals use no specific equipment, so they are accessible to all.

Remember, work at your fitness level, begin with 5 intervals a day and

work your way up to ten,

Combining them with an active rest on a 1:1.5 ratio:

If you sprint for one minute, recover for a minute and a half.

Have fun, mix them in with your workout, and you will see results in just weeks.

Tomorrow we will talk more about burning fat during, and after, your workout.

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