Monday, April 16, 2007

A Day Of Blogging

So, my first official day of blogging. I am ready to impact the world! So what is it I want to share? What great words of wisdom are going to spring forth fully formed from my head and impact you? Well, I have one word: KEGEL!

Believe me when I tell you that Kegeling will change your life!

For those of you who do not know what a Kegel is: a Kegel is an exercise that strengthens the muscles of the pelvic floor. Think of this (Guys and Girls), you are going to the bathroom and you want to stop the flow mid-stream, that is a Kegel.

OK, so everyone do a Kegel! Hold for five then release. Cool, huh?

So you may be asking: Jo, what was so amazing about that exercise? Good question!

What do you think is the number one complaint of most people about their bodies? The Abs and waist line. Even lean women often have a pooch on their lower belly. The SAME muscles that contract for a Kegel also contract the lowest region of the abdominal wall.

Do it again, but this time put your hand on the lower part of your belly as you Kegel. Did you feel that it got TIGHTER and FLATTER? Need I say more? If you Kegel during ab exercises you are stimulating the same muscles that flatten your belly. Not only that, but it helps improve your posture, because these are the CORE muscles!

Repeat this throughout the day, hold for 5 seconds and release. INcrease the time you are holding the contraction and then use it during your normal ab routine.

This move will not only tighten the difficult lower abs, but may also improve your sexual pleasure and orgasms. Not to bad for such a small exercise that you can do right now!

So Kegel away!

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