Friday, April 27, 2007

Feeling Down?

Well, it is a typical rainy April day here in Philadelphia, and that is not helping me with my mood. I am feeling a bit tired today and the lack of sun continues to add to this mopey feeling. This is actually a crucial time because I know when I am tired or sad I have the habit of over eating or eating comfort foods. So what is there to do about it?

Here are the things I have tried with a lot of success:
1. I journal. When I write I am present to my thoughts and feelings and I can identify what is really going on in my mind. I have found this is an invaluable tool because it allows me to see why I am not feeling 100%, and writing also helps me identify potential self destructive behaviors. I am able focus on a solution to my mood, instead of feeling powerless.

2. I practice forgiveness. When my brain is caught in non-productive thought patterns, I allow it to be present instead of ignoring it. Then I acknowledge what is there and forgive myself for the thought patterns. We all go through times of our lives when we know we could have made a better choice, how can you gain value from that experience? Try this: forgive yourself and anyone else involved, LEARN from whatever happened, be thankful for the lesson being in your life. You may be surprised at the peace to be found within your mind when you practice forgiveness.

3. I workout. Not always the easiest thing to do when you are tired or depressed. The latest research is proving that exercise has an amazing positive impact on the chemicals in your brain that help elevate your mood. Go back to my blog from last week about the "No Excuse" workout and try that. The combination of uplifting music with the freedom of dance can pick you up out of the dumps, even when it is flooding outside!

4. I Laugh. This seems silly at first, but it really works! You can just start to laugh for no reason and it CAN improve your mood. If that is far fetched to you, put on a funny movie or think of a funny situation. At this time in technology you can even go to the internet and search for funny viral videos for a little comic relief.

5. I sing. Even if you can't carry a tune, this on is long as you are not killing anyone else's ears! Grab a spatula or hair brush and sing your heart out!

What I don't do:
I don't binge. I don't go out and buy Peanut or Almond M&M's, my favorite, because I know that is only going to make me feel worse! Instead I focus on feeding myself healthy food that I know will help me feel better, because I deserve to feel amazing.

I don't hide. I am a champion hybrinator! When I am sad or depressed I withdraw, but I have found if that goes on too long I get worse. So I pick up the phone and call my Dad (who I ADORE! Love you Dad!), a family member, or a friend, someone who I know will be there with love and support. I am SOOOOO thankful for EVERYONE of my siblings, all 7 of them, because I can always get love and support from them!

I don't allow myself to abuse me! This is a big one: stop thinking negative thoughts about yourself. Stop being mean to you!!!! PLEASE!!!! (MHD) How do you do that? In addition to the list of things I do, you could pray, meditate, talk, just don't beat yourself up. Get in touch with someone else for help if nothing else is working. Believe me, I have recently had days when I did not want to get out of bed, I understand. It's OK not to feel great all the time, practice acceptance and forgiveness, and seek help from others if you need to.

I feel better already! Writing my blog and helping others always gives me a burst of energy and now I don't feel so bad!

What do you do to feel better? Let me know.

Have a great day splashing in the puddles!

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