Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Food For Thought

Have you ever noticed that when you sit and watch TV you want to snack?

I have.

I will be satisfied and full from dinner,

Sit to watch a show,

And be hungry!!!!

Read this article and maybe you will understand why:,0,7776295.story

Marketing and advertising are POWERFUL!

We are subjected to it every time we watch TV,

Or listen to listen to radio,

Or open a magazine,

Drive our car,


AUGH!!!! There is no where to hide from advertising.

There are even advertisements for pretzels in a couple of the gyms I go to!


A refined carbohydrate in the gym?

What is my point?

Becoming aware that you are being brainwashed

Is half the battle.

Advertisers are trying to convince us all day long

That we NEED their products.

So learn to listen with a trained ear

And stay focused on your plan to live a healthy lifestyle.

By the way, this is where it would be helpful

To have a really strong MANTRA to motivate you.

When you think about it,

All those cute jingles from the food companies

Are their mantras...and you have been listening to them

Tell you what you want

All your life!

Fight back,

Be aware,

Stay healthy.

Have a fit day!

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