Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Dog Days of Summer

As I was in local park training a client this morning, we were accosted!

It was an over zealous, pure bred Viszla carrying a Frisbee and looking for a new playmate.

The culprit left us covered in Frisbee dog slime and grinning ear to ear as we went about our morning workout.

If you have been looking for an eager, always ready workout partner, here is a perfect companion.

Dogs are dying to be your new motivation. Literally.

The local shelters are often overflowing with amazing, loving pooches.

I know, I have two and came close to housing a third this weekend.

But he found his owner, who was offering a reward for his return.

We found that flyer attached to a tree this morning while we were walking to the park.

A dog will motivate you to get up early in the morning and go for that walk or jog.

A dog can inspire an evening stroll to help digest dinner.

A dog can protect your family. They can also motivate your children to run outside, away from you, more often. Another mark in the plus column.

A dog can clean up after a Peanut Butter Wrestling Match among your family members....

Really, you mean your family doesn't have Peanut Butter Wrestling....

You don't know what you are missing. (See the pictures at the bottom....we love them!)

Seriously, I adopted my first dog as an adult because I wanted a reason to go for more walks during the day, and I have always owned at least one pooch for the past 18 years.

If you are looking to be more social or meet people of the opposite sex, just try taking a puppy to the park and not have everyone stop you, both male and female.

(The Viszla's owner is very cute and friendly. You don't mind being slimed by the dog when the owner is attractive. Next time we are carrying bacon in our pockets! LOL! )

Dogs are an amazing addition to your life, if you are up for the commitment.

They give the unconditional love and attention we are all looking for,

And they will never tell you you look fat in those jeans.


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